Saturday, 18 August 2018

                                 Giving wings to girl child

The phrase ‘Gender Sensitization’ is a term which we are frequently coming across with each passing day. With the tremendous rise in crimes against half of the humanity “woman”, being inflicted upon by the other half “men”, the question which immediately strikes one’s mind is who is actually responsible for creating such a scenario ? After all, the nature has selected and bestowed upon the woman the power to create, nurture and transform. Still, the woman is perceived to be weak and all kind of inhuman crimes are perpetrated on her.
To stop the process of discrimination well in time, a change in the mindset of everyone – parents, educators, policy-makers et al has to be made. A kind of social engineering in this direction can only be the solution in order to revert the injustice done to the entire womankind. Nelson Mandela once, rightly said “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.
 Hence come the role of schools which is the first place of socialization for a child. It is high time that women should realize her true potential as an equally responsible and vital component of the society. In this regard, girl child need to be nurtured right from the very beginning by inculcating such values as equality, justice and fraternity as given in the preamble of our Constitution and the orthodox stereotypes need to be eliminated. The girl child needs to be empowered with the right kind of education .This goes aptly for the boys too. This can only be done with such kind of enthusiastic, skilled and trained teachers or facilitators who themselves are instrument of change and motivated to bring change in the society. 
On the other hand, boys should be instilled with respect towards the opposite sex; good education will always transform them into good human beings who are aware of the equal rights of every human being. Value Education needs to be inculcated as “education without values, as useful as it is, seem rather to make man a cleverer devil.”The education which is being imparted in present times hardly give any heed to these more important aspects of life. Its just converting our children into an information loaded mechanical being.
 Education is a process which instills insight, vision and ideals into a person. The component of gender sensitization must be integrated into the education system right from the beginning. The gender sensitization goals must be set in a more concrete manner. There are many stakeholders with this objective which shall ensure the success of its successful accomplishment viz. parents, family, peers, society and school. 
School, though only one of the stakeholders, may assume center stage by heralding all to the successful conclusion of the gender sensitization goals. Schools shall actively participate in the fulfillment of these goals and make others aware and responsible through forceful and vigorous counseling methods.
There are innumerable laws/acts in defense of woman; many of them quiet stringent too. Awarenessrelated to this needs to be spread among both girls as well as boys. AEP (Adolescent Education Programme) is a good initiative in the direction of gender sensitization in schools. The entire module dealing with life skills, personal hygiene, adolescence and changes related to it, elimination of stereotypes along with the focus on AIDS, STD’s, drug abuse etc., help in proper understanding of the selves as well as the world around in an interactive manner. We all need to change our mindset, leave orthodox, stereotyped, baseless thoughts and create an amicable atmosphere for each individual to flourish and attain his/her full potential.
 Each individual should get the opportunity to blossom and live his/her life to the fullest without any fear or restrictions so as the understand the 'True Worth' of life.

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